Friday, August 23, 2024

What Is That Stench...

...emanating from Chicago?  

Oh, right.

At least it's only once every 4 years.

Odd...every speaker blames Trump for all the problems in America.

the hall of shame

Nothing on policy, no blueprint for fixing anything, just a list of all the problems we have and the firm belief they're all because of Trump, Trump, Trump.

The strange thing is, for 12 of the last 16 years - including the last 4 - Democrats have been in power.

So if they know all the problems and they're in charge, why haven't they fixed them?

Take the economy..."Bidenomics" is their favorite boondoggle, but did you see the latest?

No big deal...they just overstated jobs by close to a million.

Lying is one of the four pillars of the democrats' credo, but that's gotta be a new world record.

They can't govern, the only thing they know about money is how to spend other people's, but they're great at cooking the books.

Considering all the problems they've caused -

* illegal immigration
* out of control crime
* high energy prices
* inflation through the roof

- it's no wonder Americans are unhappy.

But I do know one group that's thrilled with Democrat rule.

In fact, they're so happy they recently held a parade and invited our best friends:

That's just their little way of saying "thank you!" to the Harris / Biden administration for the billion dollars of American military equipment left behind when they turned tail and ran like beaten dogs in Afghanistan.

But not to worry, all those failures are in the past.

We now have a "New Way Forward":

Hold onto your wallets...Komrade Kamala has a 5 trillion dollar tax plan.

Who wouldn't want 4 more years of that kind of leadership?

Recently shelled out a handful of <simoleons> for a refurbed vintage Kodak Cameo 110 camera from <Retrospekt>:

front view, flash closed

rear view, flash open

This is a cool little camera that takes 110 cartridge film:

Had a little trouble with the first cartridge...must have been rolled a little tight, because the film wouldn't auto-advance after clicking the shutter button unless I pressed on the film door.

Shot all 24 pics and loaded a 2nd cartridge, and that one was fine.  Every time I pressed the shutter the film auto-advanced like it was supposed to.

Sending the film off to <The Darkroom> for developing and will post some results here when I have them.

In the meantime, here are some pics taken with my Kodak Brownie Hawkeye...

...using 620 film:

early spring practice

courtyard in bloom

April snow

And a few taken with my Reto ultra wide...

...using 35mm film:

Kitty waiting for spring

I can't explain this

Spring, finally

Gotta love film.

Can't remember the last time I golfed under a full moon...

not a great pic, but that really is a full moon

...but I did on Wednesday.

Sadly no mystical moonbeam magic to improve my's my 1 putt for par on the 2nd hole:

...and this is where I left it:

The entire round was that way, a lot of "close, but not quite" and ended up losing 2 down.

Friday's round felt better - I was hitting well from the tees and fairways - but had the same results.*

My short game consisted mostly of chipping over greens, botching 5 foot putts for par, and settling for bogeys…7 of them, to be precise (and 2 doubles).

Even so, both days were (mostly) enjoyable and were - as I always hope they will be - a little solitude, a little exercise...

...and a delightful stroll through the countryside.

* My old match play scoring system counted bogey or better as a win, double bogey or worse as a loss.

Since I'm hitting a little more consistently lately, I changed that to par or better wins, bogey halves the hole (no score), and double bogey or worse still loses.

Don't know about you, but I say we blow this popsicle stand...

...and 23 skidoo:

pepe le pew is back

cool cloud formation pic, courtesy of Larry

Ryan's corner in bloom from this past spring

courtyard, taken with my Kodak Starflash on 127 film

as Henny Youngman said, I broke 70 today...that's a lotta clubs

Mr. Blue Heron landed in our backyard, looked around and figgered he shoulda taken that left toin at Albakoikee...

(that’s the actual left turn on Route 66 in that famous joke…with apologies to Bugs Bunny)

...and took off again...that's one beautiful bird, but no idea why he landed in our backyard

Next week is the last week of August, so no one can blame you for feeling <melancholy, baby>.

But don't be downhearted:

later, mcm fans...

Saturday, August 10, 2024

What Would You Think...

...if your son sent you that, accompanied by this text?

"pray for me.  I'm doing this tomorrow."

Perhaps I can be forgiven for fearing the worst.

A quick phone call cleared up the matter:

He wasn't turning himself in for some hidden misdeed (he texted back, "Don't worry, Dad...those coppers will never take me alive!"), he was providing transpo for homeless people who wanted to 'fess up and make a <recens satus>.

We laughed about it and he agreed a better text might have been, "pray for me, I'm helping out with this tomorrow."

Parenting:  not for the faint of heart.

I promise I won't inject politics into this blog entry.


With democrats, it's not an injection.

It's a suppository.

You've waited so patiently, how can I put it off any longer?

Careful laddie, that's dangerous!  If the woke police catch you smoking, you're done for.

My recent rounds have been a little more down to earth, thankfully.

Managed 3 pars and 6 bogeys mid week, a little better than I did on Friday.

Probably happiest about parring #3 after my tee shot landed in the sand trap guarding the green.

Unlike the gent above, I used the Harry Vardon method of exiting a bunker...a forceful downward stroke into the sand just behind the ball, and out it popped to within a foot of the pin.

Tapped in for par and almost looked like I knew what I was doing.

Close behind that on my satisfaction meter is how I'm striking the ball with both my short and mid spoons.

Making good contact and hitting them straight most of the time (emphasis on "most").

Still struggling with my brassie, as I always have with longer clubs.

Might be time to try a new training method:

Desperate men do desperate things.

Would you look at the time...

...let's 23 skidoo:

a gang of hibiscus attempting a jail break

nighttime, poolside

lakeside vista by Larry's cottage

ditto.  love the mirrored clouds.

for those times when you just can't find a drive through liquor store

It's been real, it's been fun, but let's be honest: it hasn't been real fun.

As you straggle disconsolately toward the exit, take heart:

God loves you.

         - Numbers 6:24-26

later, mcm fans...