...baby, got you on my mind...
Karen and I celebrated #9 with the above...note the bubbly...she likes pink champagne, I prefer the extra dry...
Amy gave us a couple of Christmas ornaments early for our anniversary:
Does she know us or what? Pretty well sums up the two of us...we're either Franky and Marilyn or maybe Franky and Barbie...typical Beauty and the Beast arrangement...here's to many more happy years together!
Speaking of Marilyn, caught her on video quite unexpectedly the other day:
On the All Hallows Eve front:
The creepy phone is probably just for fun...Karen said we should leave it out all year...she thinks the voice sounds like Jack Nicholson playing the Joker in the original Batman.
It's kind of strange, b/c I really don't like talking on the phone - I have some hearing loss that makes it a challenge at times...if I can't see your lips while you talk, I can't always tell what you're saying...but I have always liked phones...the way they look the way they sound, how solid and heavy they were back in the day...even when I hate to answer them in the middle of the night b/c the only thing on the other end is bad news about my father dying or my brother dying or my son being in the hospital, I still like phones.
Odd, I know.
Later, mcm fans...