Friday, March 9, 2018

Happy Birthday...

...Barbie...March 9th, 1959, The American Toy Fair in New York City.

The original #1 1959 Barbie doll (full name: Barbie Millicent Roberts; hometown: Willows, Wisconsin) was 11" tall and the first mass produced toy doll with adult features.  Prior to her introduction, dolls were typically babies or children.

However, Ruth Handler, co-founder with her husband of Mattel in 1945, noticed her daughter (Barbara!) playing with paper dolls cut to look like adults.

That, I suppose, it's what's known as inspiration.  Well, that and an already in production German doll known as "Lilli"...

...based on a cartoon strip that ran in a German tabloid, "Bild".

Look familiar?

Even if you don't understand German, I'm sure you can get the gist of the cartoon strip...Lilli was a racy, high end call girl type, and the one panel cartoon always showed off her long legs, curves and her wit.

In one she's wearing a bikini and a German policeman has just told her bikinis are not allowed in public so she'll have to take it off, to which she replies, "Oh?  And which part would you like me to remove?"

The comic strip was so popular they made Lilli dolls that were marketed to men and sold in tobacco and liquor shops...they were made to be hung from the rearview mirror in your volkswagen...

So the entrepreneurial Ms. Handler bought the rights to Lilli, tweaked her a bit (not much, obviously) and marketed her to American girls.  (In fact, Mattel became the first toy company to advertise specifically to kids when they bought commercial time on the Mickey Mouse Club show.)

Let the controversy begin...some folks said it was great that girls had a beautiful role model that worked as an airline stewardess, doctor, pilot, etc...

...while others bemoaned the emphasis on physical beauty and material possessions (you have to admit, she had a hot ride and lived in cool digs...)

No matter what your opinion is, Barbie was a smash success.

At a time when you could buy a gallon of gas for 25 cents and the average annual wage was $5,000... could buy a Barbie doll for $3.00 and they've sold millions of them through the years.

Of course today you'll need a few more greenbacks if you want to own an original 1959 #1 Barbie.  Depending on condition and accessories, you'll shell out anywhere from $7,000 to $12,000.

Ladies, kind of makes you wish you'd held onto her and taken a little better care of her when Mom gave you one back in 1959, hey?

Anyway, happy Birthday Barbie...

...looking fine at 59...but p.s., you can do a lot better than Ken...

later, mcm fans...

Saturday, March 3, 2018

At Last, Welcome... one of the two ugliest months in Michigan...and yet, I am almost inexpressibly pleased we are finally exiting what has felt like a very long winter and MARCHing steadily toward Spring.

Yes, winter has a severe and pristine beauty all its own...
...but I am so over it now...and even though March is the ugly duckling of the calendar, yet it blossoms into verdant spring and segues into gorgeous summer...
...can't wait...

(November...the other ugly month)

Was looking at old photographs the other day and came across one of my all time favorites...
Karen's dad snapped that pic as I carried her across the threshold on our wedding day...going on thirteen years ago.

Her dad's in heaven now, but every time I see this picture I remember him taking a couple of steps back to frame the shot, clicking the shutter, then lowering the camera and smiling at us as Karen and I took our first steps into married life together.

Wonderful, wonderful memory...

It was a long week at work, starting with system issues last weekend and progressing through the usual maintenance and deadline excitement...
...but it ended on an interesting note...was contacted by an old acquaintance from many moons ago about providing some IT advice to an up and coming company he's been part of for a couple of years now.

It was an enjoyable meeting and took me back to when the company I'm with today was a tenth of the size it is now...and how much fun it was helping to build it through the years.

Well, mostly the time a lot of that "fun" came disguised as stress in the form of unreasonable demands and crushing deadlines (see above illustration).

But here's the thing...most of life is educational if you're open to that concept.

A few things in life are downright revelatory...but most of those revelatory moments are perceived at first as bad, even catastrophic.

Yet it's from those defining, challenging, revelatory moments that a clear choice is presented:

You can either fold up shop and quit, or else you can form new ideas, embrace a stronger resolve, take a new direction, commit yourself to persevere and ultimately, achieve success.

I can tell these guys are at one of those crossroads, and I'd bet the mortgage they are going to take the high road to success.

And while I shan't be a part of their story, I was able to connect them with someone who may end up being part of their team.  If I was twenty years younger, I might be envious...

Watched an absolutely fabulous movie last night...
...and yes, some of my opinion is based on my love of train travel...couldn't pick a better setting in my opinion...on the other hand, I've seen the 1974 version of this story and while it's enjoyable, it's nowhere near as well done, as visually rich, as thoroughly entertaining as this version is.

For once - for once! - an A-list ensemble cast is not wasted in a sprawling, disjointed mess - which is, let's face it, what usually happens...even if the disjointed mess is still acceptable fare as it is for example in It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (1963).

This is well acted on every level, and the credit has to go to Kenneth Branagh who both stars as the brilliant detective, Hercule Poirot, and directs this wonderful movie.

A "ripped from the headlines" murder mystery when it was written by Dame Agatha Christie back in 1934...
...based as it was on the Lindbergh baby kidnapping and has become over time perhaps her best known novel.  Indeed it has been translated into film at least 4 times, and this one is arguably the best.

Even if you're not a murder mystery fan, do yourself a favor and give this a look.  Branagh is superb as the quirky, genius detective, doomed as he is to always and only "see the world as it should when it is not, the difference sticks out like the nose in the middle of a makes most of life unbearable...but it is useful in the detection of you mind straightening your tie?  just a, thank you..."
And if you are a murder mystery fan, take note...Mr. B drops a strong hint near the end of the adventure we might be treated to a movie version of Death On The Nile.  If Kenneth Branagh will star and direct again, I'll take my tickets now, please.

But today, a beautiful, sunny Saturday beckons, so...

later, mcm fans...