Sunday, July 31, 2016

Starting To Worry...

...just a little bit...but what can I say?  I've always liked vintage things.  That's yours truly in a Gent's Straw Boater hat with my chrononaut sunglasses, canvas straps ("suspenders") and pants, holding a fashionable cane...all furnished by Historical Emporium  You need to check them out; very cool site.

The 1923 Model T, white shirt, black bow tie and hush puppies provided by me.  Don't you just love that Model T?  So cool.

Another view:

The point of this photo shoot is to submit pics to Historical Emporium for their customer photo contest...winner gets $200.  I'll let you know how I do.

The point of buying all this stuff is to be attired in period correct clothing for this year's Metro Cruise, August 26th and 27th.  The baby blue Model T with custom wood cab and pickup bed is unmistakable; the guy driving it should at least look like he belongs there.

Next year I hope to be driving a 1931 Model A Roadster in the Metro Cruise...gotta start saving my pennies.

Here are a couple of views from where I sit, enjoying a cigar:

this is a closeup of the previous pic to show the little photo bomber enjoying peanuts on the deck steps...
The July / August edition of Vintage Ford magazine has been delivered to almost 40,000 members now, and my Papa's Model T ad on page 55 looks good.

top right...c'mon, you know you want one...
So far no results from the ad, but it's early.  I'm using this as a bellwether: if I can't sell a book involving a Model T to a group of people who pay annual dues to be members of a club devoted to Model T's, that will be a clue.

I'll continue writing of course; I enjoy it, but all the additional work that goes into preparing a manuscript for publication is up for evaluation at this point.

Time, as they say, will indeed tell the tale.

It's a cloudy Sunday morning, but I'm going to get outside and enjoy it.

Later, mcm fans...

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Imagine It's 1929...

Is that Eddie Rickenbacker?
...and you're flying right seat in a Ford Tri-Motor...that's what I did today in Howell, Michigan.

the cockpit controls...really made me want to be pilot in command again...
Boy was that fun...didn't have quite the emotional impact on me this year as it did last year, but that makes sense...I've processed the consequences of deciding to walk away from a career in aviation 30 years ago...I've made my peace with all of today was just flat out fun.

It's such a beautiful plane, and such a pleasure to fly in it...I'm currently checking for loose change in my couch cushions and car seats, hoping to scrounge up a million dollars so I can buy one of these beauties...gonna hafta sell a lot of books to afford my favorite form of transportation.

This was a model 4-AT and it's the actual plane used in the Johnny Depp movie "Public Enemies"...

Slightly smaller than the 5-AT we flew in last year, but it still handles a pilot and nine passengers comfortably...

every seat is a window seat...

The Livingston County Airport in Howell is a very nice little airport...modern and well maintained.

Plus, there was a beautiful blonde waiting there for me:

All in all a very enjoyable day...looking forward to my next flight.

Turning to the rapidly disappearing summer, it is officially time to is July 16th, so we are past the halfway point of "meteorological" summer (as opposed to astronomical summer).

Our backyard is in full, glorious bloom right now, so I'm feeling a true sense of urgency to make the most of each spectacular summer day...

love this view of the pool and flowers...

time to trim again...fountain is almost covered now...

the hidden part, behind the grape arbor...

the sitting area...
Better enjoy it while we can...Autumn is warming up in the wings, ready to dance across the stage when summer takes its final bows...

Later, mcm fans...

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

We Hold These Truths... be self-evident...That all men are created equal...that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights...that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Happy Independence Day, y'all...the 240th anniversary of the greatest nation on earth.  We are blessed to live here and I give thanks to God in heaven for that great privilege.

ready for the big day
#5 son and wife stayed with us for part of this weekend...big fun...

Benjamin and Brooke

Do we know how to party or what?  Every night we got to hear and see "fireworks in the round", as people all around us set them off from early evening til early morning.

Karen did the honors for the July 4th meal...traditional dogs and burgers with some chicken thrown in for good measure...add some potato salad, baked beans, corn on the cob, several desserts, and we were good to go.

At night we relaxed by the pool and soaked up the ambiance of the backyard.

All in all an good weekend spent being thankful for our freedoms and enjoying family time.

Did have one minor up on July 4th and something had savaged the pond...Mr. Frog was in the water and half the plants were tossed out...I drew up a suspects list with this guy right at the top:

evil looking critter...
Poor Mr. Frog now has only one good eye:

Later, mcm fans...