Tuesday, July 5, 2016

We Hold These Truths...

...to be self-evident...That all men are created equal...that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights...that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Happy Independence Day, y'all...the 240th anniversary of the greatest nation on earth.  We are blessed to live here and I give thanks to God in heaven for that great privilege.

ready for the big day
#5 son and wife stayed with us for part of this weekend...big fun...

Benjamin and Brooke

Do we know how to party or what?  Every night we got to hear and see "fireworks in the round", as people all around us set them off from early evening til early morning.

Karen did the honors for the July 4th meal...traditional dogs and burgers with some chicken thrown in for good measure...add some potato salad, baked beans, corn on the cob, several desserts, and we were good to go.

At night we relaxed by the pool and soaked up the ambiance of the backyard.

All in all an good weekend spent being thankful for our freedoms and enjoying family time.

Did have one minor mystery...got up on July 4th and something had savaged the pond...Mr. Frog was in the water and half the plants were tossed out...I drew up a suspects list with this guy right at the top:

evil looking critter...
Poor Mr. Frog now has only one good eye:

Later, mcm fans...

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