Sunday, May 27, 2018

Lest We Forget...

...the ultimate sacrifice of so many to secure our freedoms.  We owe a great debt of gratitude to those who have gone before us and served bravely and honorably in the defense of our country.

May God bless their families and their memory and may we who remain live purposefully and thankfully as we honor them.

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are...
...God Bless America, ya'll...

And speaking of the pursuit of happiness... out on the links this morning...gorgeous day...and I'm getting a little better as the season rolls along...
...not great by any stretch of the imagination...this should have been a one putt for par, but it turned into a two putt for bogey.

On the other hand, if I could consistently play bogey golf I'd be thrilled.  Mostly I'm just happy to actually be able to enjoy the round, and that my enjoyment is no longer tied directly to my performance.

It used to be; in everything in life.  Age and maturity have helped broaden my perspectives and opened the door to enjoying some things in life that previously I avoided.

So this holiday weekend has been busy with lots of work around the grounds...
...we now have a small goldfish pond in the courtyard, and we've been cleaning up, fertilizing, planting and landscaping all around our Half Moon Oasis...

An acquaintance tells me they like my writing but find it I'm kicking around ideas for my next story, something you might find on the Hallmark channel at Christmas...

And as puerile as that may sound, I'm actually liking the story line so far...need a title and a few more details, but I hope to get started on my next novella this week.

But for now...

later, mcm fans...

Friday, May 4, 2018

May Is The Payoff...

...for enduring a long Michigan winter...everything greens up...
...the flowers start blooming...
...and it's God Bless America once again..., in a gesture of cross-cultural good will toward all the Dutchies whose territory we non-Dutchies have invaded, we have in our courtyard a single, solitary tulip:
...the botanical variety, not the theological kind (Total depravity; Unconditional election; Limited atonement; Irresistible grace; Perseverance of the saints; for all you non-5 point Calvinists out there...)

In the "wahoo" department, finished my novella, Last Flight... available on Amazon in paperback or kindle...the e-reader version is cheaper, the paperback version looks cooler due to the old style typewriter font...

...and I'm happy to report that so far it's being very well received.

In an interview with the Cowtwiddle Times, literary critic Biff Bifflemeyer was quoted as saying, "Any chance of getting a decent cup of coffee 'round here?  For the love of gravy, what kind of diner is this?"

When informed he was actually in the holding cell at the Uncertain, Texas sheriff's office, he said, "I am?  How much did I drink last night?"

At that point the interview ended but word on the street is he's really going to like my latest effort.  I guarantee it's not outside the realm of possibility that you might, too.  Hey, can't rule it out; could happen...

Moving on...

Was standing on our back patio the other evening and snapped this pic of the moon...
...and earlier that day we had a visit from some deer friends we hadn't seen in a coon's age...

Bambi 2...
Tomorrow kicks off Tulip Time here in Holland...started a way on back in 1929, so this is the 89th year...
...and they expect 600,000+ people to attend during this week long celebration of Holland's Dutch heritage...

Exciting if you're making money off it, not quite so fantabulous if you're trying to get around the city and live what in some quarters passes for your normal life...we'll see how  this year goes...gotta love them tulips...

later, mcm fans...