Saturday, June 22, 2019

First Day...

...of naturally I had to kick it old school with my hickories and walk a round of 9...
the ball is top left in the shade...2 putt for par on #3...
...and really I have nothing to complain about...'twas a beautiful 1st day of summer and I had a pretty good stroll through the countryside...
a 1 putt would have been par...don't ask...
...had mostly bogeys today, a couple of pars, and actually birdied #8...
1 putt for birdie here...
...and my last 3 holes were bogey, birdie, par, so when I walked off #9 I was at one with the universe, or at least that tiny little portion of it that I occupy.
Finished "7 Fridays" and am currently in the process of publishing it...
...the e-book is actually live will take another day for the paperback version to come on line.

I like this story, but it's possible I could be slightly I turned to a veteran of the book publishing wars, a literary glitterati, the esteemed critic, Biff Bifflemeyer.
Caught up with him at a recent wine tasting.  He was lying under one of the tables picking lint out of his bellybutton, so I asked him what he thought about my newest novella, "7 Fridays"...

"A marvelous blend of intelligent ventilation points and tailored darts specifically designed to accommodate the biodynamics of the shoulder.  I highly recommend it!"

"Are you talking about my book, 7 Fridays?" I asked him.

"Book?" he sputtered.  "What book?  I thought you were asking about my new dress shirt.

"But don't worry, I know your new book can't be worse than the last one.

"Now, bring me another bottle of whatever it is we're drinking tonight..."

So there you have it, folks.  That's the kind of ringing endorsement you can take to the bank.

Read this book; it's possible you won't hate it.

But wait 'til Monday...there's a 5 day "free e-book" promotion running, where you can download it at no cost.

As part of our 1st day of summer celebration, Karen and I visited Hopcats here in Holland...
...and they've got pretty cool decor...some Shag art on the walls...
...def a mid century modern vibe going on...and pretty good food, too...their Cosmic Fries with cheese sauce are addictive.
Speaking of mcm, came across some old Charles Schridde prints...
...he was an artist employed by Motorola in the late 50's / early 60's to help promote their futuristic ideas...and notice every illustration included a TV or stereo...Motorola, of course...

...these "houses of the future" were quintessential mid century modern designs...very cool.
And finally, the promised update on my grandson, Isaac...he boxed tonight in the Meijer Games...138 lb junior novice division.

Here he is before the bout began...
...that's his dad / coach to the left and his trainer to the right.

And here he is after the bout...
It was a tough fight against a game opponent who's a couple of years older than him, but Isaac was victorious...very proud of him for his courage and hard work.

And make no mistake, it definitely is a lot of hard work, physically exhausting.  There's nothing quite like taking one on the chin or in the gut to help you learn what you're made of.

In Isaac's case, whenever he got tagged his natural reaction was to return the favor 3 fold.  He has this built in, auto response system that kicks into high gear if he gets hit, and I'm sure that's what won the day for him.

His dad and I agreed both of us are now officially 10 years older...I'm sure we were 100x more nervous about the fight than Isaac was.

We were talking about that afterward...I commented that I was sweating buckets and all I was doing was just sitting there.

His dad noted that boxing is very primal - two athletes engaged in one of the most basic activities known to man: fighting.

I think he nailed it.

Congrats, Isaac.  You done good.
later, mcm fans...

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