wedding day, 2005 | us...14 years of marital bliss with my Beloved. She's a saint to put up with me and I'm blessed to be with her.
Spent some time in and around Saugatuck this weekend, including the Fenn Valley winery...
...fruit of the vine... |
We honeymooned in Saugatuck lo, these many moons ago, so it was enjoyable to revisit and reflect on that wonderful time.
...and the vines whence cometh the fruit... |
...for a mere $3,250 this can be yours... | we had to stop and check it out...they had a couple of interesting fountains for sale, but hardly at garage sale prices...$500+ for the 2 of them.
Thankfully no money changed hands there either, and we avoided any serious damage to our wallets.
On this beautiful late summer / early fall weekend I finally managed to get on the links again...
...where I decided to play a couple of rounds using an old style golf ball called a 'gutta percha'...
These were used in the 1800's up through around 1910...hand made, very low compression, very light...
With my mashie I can hit a modern 'super soft' low compression ball about 150 yards...but with a gutta percha ball that turns into only 100 my chances to "1 putt for par" are replaced by "1 putt for bogey" (or double bogey).
Even so I enjoyed these rounds immensely. It's a much calmer, more serene experience and it really helped me relax and savor my beautiful stroll through the countryside.
All 9 fingers crossed for another month, maybe 6 weeks of decent golf weather.
Decided to do something we haven't in many years, namely venture out to the movie theater for a premier...
...and I must say it was a surprisingly delightful experience.
Neither Karen nor I had ever seen the TV series, but we watched a special on the just released movie so decided to give it a go.
Several things amazed me as a "first time" movie goer...and I say "first time" bc it has been 15 or 16 years since I've bothered sitting in a public theater...
...due to the coarsening of our culture and the incredibly self-absorbed behavior we witness in public on a dishearteningly regular basis...and because I ALWAYS watch movies with subtitles due to hearing loss.
So going out to a movie has seemed like a waste of both time and money for quite a while.
But...Holland has a new theater complex...
...and it's nothing like movie theaters I used to frequent.
For one, think upscale...and yes, expensive.
For another, think my surprise they have a bar so you can enjoy your favorite cocktail while watching the movie.
Further, you pick your seat when you buy your ticket, and like days of old they guide you there where - get this - they explain the 'comfort controls'...
...because it has all kinds of recline and massage options.
Ok, I know you're shaking you're head, wondering under which rock I've been living, but truly, I had no idea.
It was all new to me.
But much so we'll do it again.
Yes, I missed some dialogue on the silver screen but hey, that's a daily experience in "real life" for me and you know what?
I've discovered a fairly large percentage of what's spoken apparently doesn't really matter.
I didn't hear it and yet somehow life goes on, evidently without serious consequence.
Who knew?
Smiling and nodding really is an acceptable substitute for hearing.
And the movie itself was really quite good... good in fact that I've ordered the first 4 seasons of the TV show and Karen and I will catch up on all the doin's at the Downton Abbey.
It's a time period that interests me - 1912 through 1927 - and the setting, costumes and acting are all first rate.
Gotta love the British.
See this'll be glad you did.
Well folks, this is finally "it"...
...the last weekend of Summer...Autumn officially arrives for us in the northern hemisphere on Monday, September 23rd at 3:50 am Eastern time.
Thankfully this last week has been feeling very summer-like indeed, with temperatures in the 80's and gorgeous sunshine.
Hope you got out in it and were present in the moment because it's going to be quite a while before you'll able to do so again.
For the past decade Holland has staged a Civil War Muster at the Van Raalte Farm...
Albertus Van Raalte was the leader of the Dutch immigration from the Netherlands to West Michigan in the 1800's...
...and he founded Holland in 1847.
It's on his farm where the Civil War muster is staged...
...and they reenact battles that took place in Virginia between Generals Lee of the Confederate and McClellan of the Union armies.
actual cannon used in the Civil War... |
...don't miss it while you can.
Sights from here and there...
mum's the word at the farmer's market now... |
beautiful waterfall on the way to the links... |
we did NOT register... |
strange doin's in a Holland park... |
this balloon tire wonder can be yours for $1,100... |
for the cuppa joe lovers...handy map from Starbucks... |
Sadly, it's time for me and all the rest of the highly intelligent staff here at the Atomic Moster Cafe... answer duty's call and get on with the really important things in life we do while we're not entertaining you...
...wish us luck...the arthritis in our thumbs is a real killer.
later, mcm fans...
* Crass Commercialism Corner *
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