...The Mistress Of The Gardens, that is...gone is our summer sunshine, replaced by constant rain, so she's trained her sights on indoor projects...specifically, refreshing our kitchen.
Consequently, she's changed it from this...
From this...
...to this:
And from this...
Naturally I helped, mostly by staying out of her way while she did her thing.
Much cleaner and brighter look now, especially appreciated during this extended period of liquid sunshine...and supposedly we've got another week of this weather.
We may have been washed away by then.
A little hard to see the flags in that pic, so I circled them...believe it or not, that's a rectangle, but the vantage point I used to take that pic disguises that fact pretty well.
They start by digging out the rectangle, but then massage it into the kidney shape it's going to be when they're done.
They begin work right after the 4th of July weekend, Lord willing.
No, I don't actually own one...I do my devotions using the https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/ website.
I've always appreciated the KJV, though never got involved in the silliness that surrounded those intra-faith wars about "KJV Only!".
No doubt God has blessed that translation of the Scriptures for many, many years, but fighting about English translations is just dumb.
If you're that tightly wound about the subject, educate yourself and then read the Scriptures in the original Hebrew, Koine Greek and Aramaic, for crying out loud.
Anyway, I'm enjoying reading familar passages in the 1611 version.
Everyone knows John 3:16, right?
C'mon, even if you're not a Christian you've seen the reference held up at NFL games...
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
And here it is the original 1611 KJV:
"For God so loued the world, that he gaue his only begotten Sonne, that whosoeuer beleeueth in Him, should not perish, but haue euerlasting life."
Why do I enjoy this?
A history thing, I guess...don't know exactly, but I find the archaic English interesting.
Plus, while so doing, I've had an idea about an overarching story, within which I'll place (parts of) my original short story, A Threefold Cord...and tada! A novella.
It’s just an inchoate idea at the moment, but I'm researching and "writing in my head" for now.
More to come...
...through the parting shots department...
from Larry...life at the lake...note the shimmering moonlight |
fun with daisies |
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our blue spruce Christmas tree surrounded by Tiger Lilies |
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I just like this view from our backyard |
worth remembering on your way out the door this week |
later, mcm fans...
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