Sunday, December 17, 2023

This Is That...

...<time of the year>...or so sang Jack Jones about Christmas on this 1967 vinyl LP from Firestone.

Great album and great memories from my childhood, and of course I spin it regularly this time of year.

No, it's not the same one my folks had back then, but in keeping with the spirit of the boomer generation - 

"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I bought all my toys back on ebay."

(with apologies to the Apostle Paul, see I Corinthians 13:11,12 for the actual quote)

- I did just that: found it on ebay a few years ago and have been enjoying it -

- at Christmas (again) ever since.

And now, as a tip o' the hat to the inexorable forward march of time, let's do this:

One Week To Go...

...and all through the land...people clamored to know, "O, when will it end?!"

"The answer's contained in the statement, my dear,

"Just 7 more days 'til Christmas is here!"

So hurry and watch those shows on TV!
The halls all need decking; you must trim the tree!

But somewhere amidst all the sparkle and shine,
The tumult and chaos that's stealing your time,

Take a moment or two for calm meditation;
Remember the Reason for this celebration.

The lights and the glitter are all well and good,
The ornaments, presents, songs and the food...

But when you consider the Grand Scheme of things,
They're really just heralds for our Newborn King.

So sing and be merry with those that you love,
But always remember God's gift from above.

With shepherds and Angels we echo it still:
"Glory to God, peace on earth and good will."

Our unseasonably mild weather continues, so you know what that means...

...I'm still whacking wiffle golf balls in my back yard, struggling to apply some of Moe Norman's "hit 'em straight" magic to my wayward swing.

And while it is a struggle, there are occasional glimpses of progress:

a recent session, practicing with my brassie...

...yielded this tight grouping of 4 in a row

Of course, I could include some pics where the little white balls are so far apart they don't even fit in a wide angle lens shot.

I'm never going to be a great golfer - you can't put in what God left out - but I can be a better golfer than I am just takes patience and practice.

my old pal, Deuce Mulligan

Lots and lots of practice.

We soldier on.

Widdout foida adieu, 23 skidoo...

o, but it is

he actually sleeps in that position...go figger

Karen decorated my office, kickin' it Peanuts style

the aforementioned Jack Jones...he also sang The Love Boat theme in 1977

love those eyes

finally got to visit (a picture of) Mt. Rushmore...thrillin'

where lawyers come from

And that, Kind Reader, brings to a close another excitin' session of blexcellence.

We here at the Atomic Monster Cafe trust your experience was one filled with both delight and wonder, but if not, don't blame us.

We're so delightful, we wonder how anyone could be better, and thus we've concluded "they could not".

And we'll fight any man who says different!

"I can't sing and I can't dance, but I can beat any S.O.B. in the house!"
- Jack Dempsey, heavyweight champion

later, mcm fans...

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