Saturday, December 28, 2024

We've Gone From This... this... a day. 

How quickly the holidays pass!  Truly an eyeblink and they're gone for another year.

But that's ok...Karen's the hostess with the mostest, and we truly enjoy opening our home to family and friends, but after hosting 3 parties in 3 days, we're ok with moving out of...

...and embracing regular life again.

the slogan popularized during the 1800's industrial revolution, when a 12 to 14 hour work day was common

Most of our Christmas decor goes up over the course of a week or so.

We usually put up the outside stuff first - 

...then Christmas knick knacks and inside trees -

- but when Karen switches into de-decorate gear, it all comes down and gets stored away in one day.

I'm exhausted.

grudgingly switching to winter now

I've arrived at the age where I no longer celebrate birthdays...

...I endure them.

That's not to say I'm ungrateful for being given another year.

On the contrary...

I want to remain topside of planet earth for however long God ordains; not a minute less nor a second longer.

And as you may have surmised by the tenor of this epistle, it's that time again.

So...what do I want for my birthday this year?

How about a do-over.

Is that too much to ask?

I'd like to rewind if I may, and not be such a jerk this time around (and that's quite enough from the "Amen Corner".)

I'll be kinder to those around me, more understanding of others' needs and desires and less focused on my own.

I'll also be a better husband and a wiser father.

This time I'll be more thoughtful of my wife, less of a disciplinarian to my sons, and more of a provider and helper to both.

I'll put in less hours at the office, and spend more time on the things that matter in life: relationships.

I'll make it a priority to read God's Word and pray, giving thanks to my heavenly Father for salvation through faith in Christ, and I'll be more devoted to the people God brings into my life and places in my care.

And perhaps most of all in this my deutero-life, I'll say what needs to be said instead of waiting, foolishly believing there will always be another time to tell someone I love them when the truth is we never know if we - or they - have tomorrow.

Yes, I know; that's a birthday wish that will remain unfulfilled...sadly there is no going back.

I suppose that means I'll just have to work on doing all those things today and every day for however much of the future God grants me.

Sounds as much like a New Year's resolution... it does a birthday wish.

So, does that imply I still get a birthday wish?

rough looking bunch from 1864...includes both <Young and Old Tom Morris>...the lad on the top left with his hand on his dad's shoulder

If so, how about a better hickory golf game?'

Par would be nice.

That's it, I simply can't justify continuing this pointless abuse of innocent readers.

Time to 23 Skidoo out of here:

"let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me"

front page of Karen's hometown it

the Christmas tree at our next home, an American 4 square...Lord willing

Larry sent me a version of this meme...I can definitely relate

a very cool gift from my stepdaugher, Amy...a retro mcm tissue the Marilyn Monroe zeitgeist

yeah...what can I say?  missing summer for sure

Standing on the cusp of another year, and with it will come the usual spate of issues and problems.

As we prepare ourselves to face the challenges ahead, remember this encouragement from God's Word:

                        - Isaiah 40:30,31

later, mcm fans...

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