Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Election Night...

original art work by Kris Walworth
...Jitters...anxiously awaiting the outcome in this, the most consequential presidential election in my lifetime.

One thing I know without question...the Lord God Almighty is in control of the affairs of men, and those of us who put our faith in Him will accept the results and move forward.

I did my civic duty at 7 am this morning, so to keep my mind off of that which I cannot control I'm here in my alternate reality, enjoying a libation and some quiet time, relaxing in the Atomic Monster Cafe.

Mentioned we were having stone put on a living room wall behind our fireplace...the before view:

...and now the after view:
Yep, I know we live in a Dutch Colonial, but we enjoy the mid century modern vibe.

Here's another view:

Thanks to Al Vandermeer for installing it for us.  When he was finished Karen suggested Mexico should pay for the wall, but he preferred we handle that bill...

Continuing in the "let's make it better" theme, had nerf bars and a cover put on my truck today:
Nothing major, just keeping the snow out of the truck bed and providing a step up into my ride.

In the "definitely not better" category, here's a pic of my Jack-O-Lantern handiwork a week after Halloween:
Those squirrels are hungry...poor Jack...he gave his life for a good cause.

Snapped this pic of my goldfish over the weekend:
They're beautiful, but I fear they won't survive the winter...my little pond is only a foot and a half deep and I think they might need more like three feet deep...might have to get a heater and bubbler...we'll see.

Also took this pic of our front yard early Sunday morning...
Really really REALLY not ready for winter, but oh well...as this picture illustrates, it's November and snowflakes cannot be too far away...

...so I'm going to try hard to focus on Thanksgiving that's less than three weeks from now...

...and being truly thankful for the life God has given, the freedoms we enjoy, and the undeserved blessings that flow my way each and every day.

Happy Election Night, y'all...

later, mcm fans...

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