Does that happen to you? If you've only had ten or fifteen of them, I suppose you can probably keep them in order...but 59...well, that seems like a pretty big number to me.
There's the one in Texas when we actually had snow...
And there's the one in Pennsylvania when I was ten and fascinated with the amazing Jim Thorpe...
A couple of years later in Massachusetts I received a coveted Rock'em Sock'em Robots game...
For the next ten years Christmas arrived with a vague sense of longing for that which seemed lost forever...we moved to Maine, I finished high school, went off to college, started a career...welcome to adulthood.
Then in my mid twenties, married and a father of two, I had an encounter with my Savior...and suddenly Christmas took on a new meaning. It was no longer just lights and glitter and decorations and gifts...
But the crush of every day life and the tyranny of the urgent have a tendency to push the important things aside. Couple that with a job that caters to the retail industry - where for 2 hectic months of the year everyone worships at the altar of commercialism and insanity prevails - and too many Christmases have raced by in a blur, stacked up and forgotten like so much dried cord wood.
I'm finally ready to change that. Yes, it's late in the game, but time hasn't expired...yet.
Don't know how many more revolutions around the sun I get, but I know it's one less than I had last year.
So I'm going to work on owning my time and spending however much I have left doing things that matter with good people I like.
And that's going to include making the most of important celebrations like Christmas.
I suppose that's pretty close to a New Year's resolution, isn't it?
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