Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Big Day...

the Jolly Roger announced we were open for business...
...has come and gone...and we finally had good weather on a Halloween night...gave away 85 treat bags / boxes...each one filled with candy / toys and a gospel tract.

That's a dozen or so more than last year...happy about that.

Here are your hosts for the evening...

...along with a beautiful vampiress who stopped in for a bite...
...and my grandson who apparently is now some kind of rock and roll legend...

We had lots of happy faces and positive comments about all the decor...
the driver is a VERY old friend of mine... we posed for pics...

...both of us have arrived at that age where we look better in the dark from a distance...

...there was the walk of fear...
...which included our zombie friend...

...found this guy climbing out of our Black Lagoon...
...and this guy hanging out in the courtyard...keeping time with a haunted clock...
...the harmonica playing skeleton was a hit...

...and Jack Skellington functioned as our greeter...

...while Mr. Bolts was his usual welcoming self...

Franky was spotted roaming here...

...and everywhere...
...and we bid a fond farewell to All Hallows E'en for another year...

Safe to say a good time was had by all.

I'm exhausted.

As a famous frog once opined, it's not easy being green.

Or formerly deceased for that matter.

Time for bed...

later, mcm fans...

* Crass Commercialism Corner *

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