Friday, September 22, 2023

Happy Anniversary...

we're a house divided...she likes pink moscato, I like brut cuvee us...18 happy years and counting!

As a parent, I naturally think of "18" as the span of time it takes to raise a child from birth through high school graduation.

When I think of the miraculous transformations embedded in that journey - from newborn to young adult - and all the activities involved - the sports, plays, concerts, proms, field trips and more - it seems like a lifetime.

And yet those years flew by in an eye blink, proving the old adage:

So it has been with our married life...filled with happiness and activity and many lovely memories, but for the life of me I don't know where those years went.

It seems like yesterday when we enthusiastically said "I do!", but the calendar - and the mirror - tells me that was almost 2 decades ago.

As Karen always says, we need to embrace each day, be present in each moment, and live our best lives together.

Words to live by.

And speaking of embracing the day...

sun was just coming up when I teed off...that's my driving iron, as I sent my Franken-brassie off for professional repair was a gorgeous morning on the links, low 60's and lots of sunshine.

Sadly, the fabulous weather did not carry over to my game.

one of my few chances to "1 putt for par", all of which ended in a bogey(ish)

I was actually striking the ball pretty well from the tees and fairways, but my lousy short game did me in.

Was just short of the green on the 370 yard par 5, so I figured I'd just chip in for par:

Who could have guessed I figured wrong?

Even so, it was as I always hope it will be when I gather up the tools of my ignorance and tee up my guttys...

...a little solitude, a little exercise, and a delightful stroll through the countryside.

While we're on the subject...

No surprise there are hardly any courses left that are truly hickory / gutty friendly.

Constant improvement in equipment has stretched modern courses to almost twice the length they used to be when clubs were made of hickory wood and the best golf balls were made from the sap of gutta percha trees.

Luckily I've hit upon a solution for this problem; 
I need to build my own hickory golf course.

To that end, I hired one of them per-fessional golf course maker guys and had him draw up formal plans for a life size version of my backyard wiffle golf ball course, to wit:

He does good work.

Turns out I'll need about 13 acres of mostly open, dry fields to accommodate my 5 greens / 9 hole course design.

The greens will have to be artificial turf done by professionals.

I'll also need one of those cool mowers you steer with dual hand levers instead of a steering wheel.

Might need a slightly faster version so I don't spend more time mowing fairways than I do golfing on them:

And it either needs to always rain enough to keep the fairways green, or else I'll have to put in some kind of commercial grade sprinkling system.

Did I mention I need to win the lottery to make this happen?

#1 son, if you're reading this, keep your eyes peeled for the right property.

Let's do that parting shots thing...

meet you there

just because I like this picture of the John G. Munson

we continue to suffer though Obama's 3rd term

you might look a little weird after that, but at least you got stuff done

the only electric car I'd buy

a little bit o' heaven

I want to golf here

Reading through the minor prophets in my devotions; love this verse from Micah:

later, mcm fans...

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