Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sick Of Politics Yet?

I definitely am.

Would love to skip straight to the election, vote, and be done with all the nonsense that surrounds such an important decision.

This country has been knocked off its foundations by corruption and incompetence and cannot withstand another 4 years of democrat rule.

They’re now pretending to be shocked, shocked!  to discover Slo-Joe has dementia.

Who knew?

It must have been one of those "sudden onset" things, where prior to the debate he was "as fit as ever", then suddenly, wham!  He's senile!

from the 2020 presidential race


If you're one of those folks who really did not know, you should quarantine yourself on a deserted island.

You're obviously too stupid to handle the rigors of daily life, and the rest of us shouldn't have to put up with you.

If you're one of the great teeming mass of Democrats who knew, said nothing, and are therefore complicit in the coverup, please see the above course of action, but replace the word "stupid" with "morally bankrupt" as the reason.

Now Biden's good friends are so concerned with this totally unexpected development...

...they've convinced him to "drop out" of the race.

Democrats may be devoid of principles, but at least they're predictable.

Lord, please help us endure...

...until November.


...and after:

The stone, glass and half moon shape make Dean Bryant Vollendorf's Baysweep design unique.

The white trim and redwood stain give it a coherent color scheme and make it "pop".

So take that.

In what I'm sure will be hailed as a victory for kindness and decency, I've decided to spare you the usual Hickory Golf Report and proceed directly to

to wit:

our dinner plate hibiscus are early this year...

...but gorgeous as always

It's fun to stay at the Y M C A!

a mortal sin

heads should roll, but don't hold your breath

that's one dedicated Lions fan

too bad there's still 3 months to go

I'll never eat another Oscar Mayer weiner

In honor of Moon Landing week...

July 20, 1969

...I leave you with this thought from God's Word:

later, mcm fans...

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