Saturday, September 11, 2021

Smoke On The Water...

...and fire in the sky...

...with apologies to Deep Purple.

Another view from Labor Day morning...

Starting to look and feel a whole lot like fall.

Speaking of Autumn, it's nearing that time of year again...

...yeah, you know what I'm talking about.

Meet willie, the newest member of our menagerie...

was he wearing my sandals??

...and here he is in action:

willie comes with a volume control, so he can be a lot louder, but I think "medium" will be about right.

I'll probably set him up in the rock garden...

...away from the door...we like to spookify not terrify the kids and he's probably our scariest prop to date.

We now return to our regularly scheduled font.

Life at the lake continues with serene sunrises...

...gorgeous waterfront vistas...

...and a new mouth to feed.... Dale, Chip's skittish cousin.

Larry reports that unlike Chip, this guy takes awhile to screw up his courage, then dashes in...

...grabs the goods and hustles to his safe space to devour his treat.

Big fun.

To the links we go...

...and what I like about these "Goodman" classic era hickory golf balls is the improved distance.

Had a few chances to 1 putt for par since I'm consistently getting 30 yards more per club.

What I don't like is I still haven't figured out how to putt with these #@$%&!  things.

Didn't have quite as many 3 putt greens this week as before, but only snagged 1 par, and that was on the 7th hole par 3 when my niblick shot landed within a few feet of the cup.

Did manage a few bogeys along the way, but the rest were my usual double / triple / I’d-rather-not-talk-about-it bogeys.

there was a tourney just starting as I was finishing today so had to wait to tee off on 9...3 people and 2 carts...God forbid they should actually walk the round.

So the jury's still out on this one.

It was a beautiful morning and I enjoyed my stroll through the countryside as always, but I'm seriously considering going back to my gutta perchas.

When I'm using them I don't think about my score as much.

I figure if I'm anywhere near the same zip code as par that's a plus, so I tend to enjoy the round more.

Decisions, decisions...

And with that, kind reader, we draw the curtain on another excitin' adventure in blogging excellence.

For this week's effort rest assured we used only the finest raw materials, guaranteed to be free from all toxic waste matter...

…well, almost.

later, mcm fans...

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