Saturday, May 14, 2022

Gotta Love...

...the month of May...when the mercury rises and life bursts into full bloom again.

The ornamental apple tree we planted in memory of Ryan is glorious right now... all of Nature blesses us with a florescent symphony of colors, foliage and blossoms.

Oh yeah...and pollen...

...lots and lots of pollen.

Oh well, it's the price some of us pay for this beautiful weather.

Wasn't so very long ago we were pollen-free but enduring this... pass the Zyrtec (and a tissue) and quit yer kvetching.

Guess who provided a couple more signs for Ryan's golf course?

Cool, right?

Mid Century Modern Tee signs for each hole; two down, three (or four, depending on progress this summer) to go.

Thank you, Holly.

We rock on.

We're behind in our outside work this year...lost at least 2 weeks with the crappy April weather, but a certain slave driver I know...

the mistress of the landscaping

...has been working someone like a borrowed mule to catch up...

the borrowed mule

...and she's on to my usual hidey holes so there's been no escape.

We are making progress... spite of my best efforts.

We've now arrived at the part where I take a formal bow, announce in my best French accent, "Ta da!" and you all clap in wild appreciation for the awe inspiring events you've just experienced... that.

later, mcm fans.

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