Friday, January 24, 2025

The Exact Moment...

Trump inaugural speech, Jan 20 2025
...Slo-Joe realized he's no longer prez.  

I'm sure it came as a shock to him; most things do.

Even finding out what day of the week it is surprises Dementia Joe.

"Monday?  Really?  Well I'll be a dog faced pony soldier..."

Interesting to see all those libs dressed to the nines welcoming "Hitler the Fascist Dictator and Threat To Democracy!!" back to Washington.

At least that's what they all screamed in the runup to the election.

You don't suppose they're so morally bankrupt they spewed lies... a desperate attempt to retain power, do you?

Either way, we can rejoice...

...the curtain has finally fallen on 4 tortuous years of constant deceit ("the border's secure!", "inflation is low!", "crime is down!") and abject incompetence.

With America finally back in good hands - Thank you, Lord - how about we move on to something apolitical for a change?

thought you might approve

Here's a fave mid century modern item:

That's an <Austin Cox> chess set from 1962.

These were originally made by the Alcoa Aluminum company and given as executive gifts in the early 1960's; over time they've become a collector's item.

Here's what the pieces look like when set up:

the board that goes with it is stored in a closet and I'm too lazy to retrieve it at the moment

They're obviously unique and really quite elegant.

Years ago I was a casual player but eventually realized I lacked the requisite temperament, time and let's be honest - IQ points - to excel at the game, so I gave it up.

former world champion, antisemite and bona fide looney tunes

True chess players are like musicians; they're born, not made.

Of course anyone can learn the moves, memorize openings, study strategy and end game tactics, and improve their game.

But the great ones have an inborn ability to visualize in a way regular folks do not.

They can play chess without the board or pieces; they see it in their minds and can analyze many moves ahead.

It's why so many of the legends of the game were masters even as children:

8 year old Samuel Reshevsky playing and beating masters in simultaneous games, circa 1920 in Poland

In spite of my lack of talent for the game, I've always admired the beauty and symmetry of a well made chess set, and appreciate the constrained energy its starting formation implies:

Two armies on the brink of chivalrous war, the pieces practically trembling with pent up anxiety, awaiting the call to action.

An interesting story revolving around the game of chess is <The Queen's Gambit>, a Netflix series from 2020.

Based on the 1983 novel of the same name by Walter Tevis...

...this one won't enhance your moral IQ, but it is an interesting look at the passionately obsessive, emotionally violent, high pressure world of championship level chess.

Last "winter" (in quotes because 'twas hard to tell) I was outside swinging my hickories more than all previous winters combined.

Not so this year...winter has reasserted itself with a healthy dose of icy vigor:

driveway's been plowed 5x this week

snowy back yard

a rare evening when it wasn't snowing

the view from my "office" window one morning this week

no judging; we'll remove the Christmas lights when we're good and ready

It's definitely been a Michigan January, and it has me anxiously counting down the <days until Spring>.

You've endured to the bitter end (you didn't cheat and just scroll down, did you?); time to 23 Skidoo:

Ziggy breaks the 4th wall

gorgeous pink sunrise

I am forced to reluctantly admit the truth, though I resent the blank, wide eyed stare

not sure the butt crack was necessary...

...though I do think Calvin's "work of art" is better than Duchamp's 1912 original

an unhinged lib (note the channel he watches) accused Musk of giving the Nazi salute, and AOC jumped on it with one of her usual deranged, wide eyed rants

unfortunately for Queen Taradiddle, someone found her giving her own Nazi salute; like her friend above, she's not smart enough to be embarrassed

using dem standards (didn't know they had any, did you?), even Kamala sycophant, Liberal Bubble Girl, is now a member of the Nazi party

finally, BabylonBee did their usual great job of illustrating exactly how pointless and irrelevant the dems have become

It's a new day in America; President Trump hit the ground running with dozens of executive orders...

...reversing Biden's "America Last" policies, righting many wrongs, and making trips to disaster areas that were neglected by FEMA under the failed Biden administration.

His landslide victory indicates most of the people in the country are more than ready for a return to common sense and sanity.

Not everyone, of course...

don't make eye contact and do not engage with the crazy lady know who you are, and so do we.

But even some who consider themselves conservative Christians aren't happy with Trump because of his well documented issues with both language and behavior.

He's not perfect, that's for sure; no one is.

He's also not your pastor.

He's the President of the United States of America, charged with upholding the constitution and safeguarding the citizens of this country.

As such it's worth remembering:

Ultimately, it's God who is in control and Donald Trump's heart is in God's hand.

The LORD will use Trump to achieve His will, in His time.

Our job is to continually pray for him and all those in authority over us (I Timothy 2:1,2).

later, mcm fans...

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