Sunday, October 23, 2022

A Co-Worker...

...had the temerity to send me <this link> .

An indoor golf simulator?  Are you serious??

As if I'd ever pay thousands of dollars just to be able to golf indoors during the winter!

It's insanity, of course...besides the price tag, you need 12' ceilings and a specialized enclosure to accommodate the projector, landing pad, hitting mat...

"Who's got the space or the wallet for all that? " I muttered to myself.

"Why, you'd have to be living in a McMansion, or else put it in a barn...or maybe in the garage..."

It was right at that very moment - just as that last thought skittered across the neural network that passes for my brain - that I heard Marilyn's sultry siren call...

"Gentlemen prefer blondes, don't they?" she whispered seductively.

"Why don't you step inside and check it out?"

Like a man in a trance, I obediently opened the garage door and gazed upon the familiar scene with fresh eyes...

"Hmm," mused I tentatively, "needs some cleanup...some insulation...a heat source of course...but it almost looks like there's enough room here...I wonder if...?"

A few moments later...

No, I did not hit that Callaway Supersoft with my Majek 3 wood into Santa and his reindeer...but there actually is enough room...

Now all I have to do is convince Karen that:

a) she should park in the other stall  -and-
b) we should spend beaucoup bucks converting her side of the garage into a golf simulator for 5 months of the year -because-
c) it really is a very wise investment.

I mean, c'mon, how hard can that be?

Meanwhile, back in the real world...

the view from the 6th tee, 153 yard par 3

...after a week of cold, windy, rainy November like weather...

my birdie putt...that I missed of course, and so "settled" for par

...the sun came out, temperatures soared into the 70's, and it was suddenly September again.

Naturally I headed for the links, thankful for a few more chances to swing my hick-  oops - I mean my hybrids.

Just doesn't have the same ring to it, and after today's dispiriting outing it's tempting to go back to my hickories.

Hybrids in hand, I managed to lose 3 balls.

By the time I dragged my sorry carcass off the 9th hole, all my newfound confidence from my hybrids had been shredded by my dismal effort.

Proof that even the best modern technology is no match for lack of talent, I guess.

On a slightly more positive note, we took advantage of the great weather, and after visiting the Farmer's Market, embarked on a mini-color tour:

The last week of unseasonably nasty weather seems to have pushed us just past peak.

Even so it was an enjoyable ride with some beautiful scenery along the way.

We're just about a week away from Halloween and preps are underway to welcome the trick-or-treaters.

Big Frank is standing guard over the front yard...


...with a little help from his friends.

We've been putting treat bags together...

...and installing batteries to bring members of this year's Walk Of Fear back to life.

All we need now is some decent weather and a good turnout.

Alright, that's it... know the rules, no loitering, move along now.

As you do, always remember...

later, mcm fans...

* Crass Commercialism Corner *

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