Saturday, December 31, 2022

The Last Sunrise...

purty, ain't it?

...of 2022...
that I actually saw, anyway.

Hey, it was December, and we had something like 11% sunshine for the month.

That was December 28th...before and after that it was either cloudy, snowing, blizzarding (it's a word; look it up) or raining when the sun - allegedly - came up.

Now it's New Year's Eve, and we're just about ready to kick 2022 to the curb with a hearty...

But first, a recap of an eventful week:
As It Was in '64... it was in the blizzard of '22...we were indeed FrOzen, with plenty of the white stuff and sub-zero wind chills.

morning, day one of the blizzard

yeah, we're not happy about it, either

Instead of the big get togethers we'd planned for the runup to Christmas, it ended up being just be the 2 of us on Christmas Eve.

Before we settled our brains for a long winter's nap, we shared a moment by the fire and gave thanks...

...for the baby born in a manger:

Thankfully, weather conditions improved enough that we were able to celebrate with some loved ones on Christmas afternoon...

Karen's daughters and their S.O.'s

#1 Son and 3 of his boys

...and a few days later, observed a moment of silence for my birthday...

...which surprisingly, wasn't all bad.

Remember my neighbor who offered to repair my Weltron turntable?

no, my neighbor is not Dean Martin

Well, he came through in spades, fixing not just the turntable, but also the 8 track player and the radio tuner!

Truly, couldn't be happier with the results.

And it was just in time to provide the music for our next event, when we gathered with more family that couldn't make it on Christmas...

#1 Son, his 4 older kids, and his granddaughter photo-bombing

#4 son's kids

...and finally, visited friends on New Year's Eve day:

no names...for obvious reasons they won't publicly admit they know us

We also spent a little time discussing the low/highlights of the year.

In the lowlights department were loved ones struggling with life's problems and the continued corruption and deterioration of our once great country.

Highlights included another year of gainful employment, time spent with family and friends, and God's continued love and care for all of us:

"This I recall to mind, therefore have I hope.

"It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not.

"They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness."

   - Lamentations 3:21-23

And now, after 365 days of laughter and sorrow, love and loss, good times and bad, we are finally ready for our annual tradition of cueing up the best New Year's Eve movie ever made...

...then watching the ball drop, sharing a kiss and greeting the New Year:

And so we combine a not so fond farewell with a hopeful greeting:

There will be problems of course; they're part and parcel of life.

But there will be blessings, too, with the assurance of God's faithful care, and for that we give thanks.

Happy New Year, mcm fans...

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